This is Not a Ceremony

Oct 3 - 12, 2025 | Signals Studio, Vancouver, BC

You’re invited to witness an unforgettable cinematic VR experience, guided with care and kindness by tricksters, matriarchs and buffalo as you confront some of the darker sides of living life in Canada while Indigenous.

Niitsitapi writer and director Ahnahktsipiitaa (Colin Van Loon) takes us beyond the veil of traditional media and transports us directly into another realm, where past, present and future are one; where colonial rules and assumptions are forgotten; and where we can finally get to the truth of the matter.

Presented in stunning cinematic VR, the narrative unfolds all around us, on a dream-like plane of existence. Panoramas flow and merge, stories come to life and dance before our eyes, and community protocols confront our notions of personal responsibility. Here, we are asked to witness some of the darker sides of living life in Canada while Indigenous.

This unforgettable experience will stay with you long after it’s over. THIS IS NOT A CEREMONY calls on all who’ve watched to take action, to share what they have seen and heard, to learn from these tragedies and never forget—so that they will never happen again.

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada.


[WARNING] This experience contains sensitive content and may be triggering for attendees or not suitable for you younger viewers.

Key Artist: Ahnahktsipiitaa
Project Runtime
: 25 min
Project Type: Cinematic VR Headset Experience

Limited viewing slots available, first come first serve on arrival, during SIGNALS, Oct 1 and 2.

Project URL:

By Ahnahktsipiitaa, Produced by National Film Board of Canada


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